17th century history

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Cards (756)

  • Presbyterians
    Church of Scotland (protestant)
    • James uncle was highly presbyterian
  • Puritans
    extreme form of protestantism
    use the bible to be closer to god, church on Sundays, wear plain clothes, wooden crosses, no decorations
    pews facing the middle, alter in the middle
  • Arminianism
    closest protestant sector to catholicism
    • King Charles I is an arminanist as it puts him closer to god
  • catholicism
    have to believe in god and do good deeds to go to heaven
    believe in ceremony, golden crosses, singing, stained glass windows
    transubstantiation (mass)
    pews face the front
  • transubstantiation
    CATHOLICbread is body of christ and wine is his blood (mass)
  • calvinism
    protestant, predestination
  • anglicanism
    the Church of England. believe in god for salvation, no predestination
    'the middle way'