Cards (11)

  • The arrest of the 5 members, Jan 1642 (1)

    He walks to parliament (living God, people blocking his way) 10 minute walk takes an hour and word gets out to 5 members to flee – they tell them the king is coming with a warrant for their arrest. The 5 members have left by the time they get there: Pym, Hampden, Holles, Strode, Haselrig
  • the arrest of the 5 members, Jan 1642 (2)
    The doors are barricaded – King not allowed in commons but he bashes the door in and enters (tradition not to enter house of commonsparliamentary privilege).
  • what does the speaker say to Charles when he walks into the commons
    Charles asks for the speakers chair and asks where the members are and the speaker says "may it please your majesty, I have neither eyes nor tongue to speak in this place but as this house is pleased to direct me whose servant I am here; and humbly beg your majesty's pardon that I cannot give any other answer to what your majesty is pleased to demand of me" essentially saying that the King does not have any power in the house of commons.
  • what does Charles do after the arrest of 5 members embarrassment 

    Sends an order to collect his wife and children, leaves London. Goes to Oxford then goes north
  • what did the failure of the arrest of the 5 members show?
    Charles had to arrest people himself, proving his decline of power. Broke law and tradition of the English parliamentary system which is to not enter of house of commons. Should have arrested them at home and have sent someone else.
  • the exclusion bill feb 1642
    Removal of bishops from parliament
  • Militia bill issued as the militia ordinance Parliament proposed to raise £400,000 by ship money.
    Parliament proposed to raise £400,000 by ship money.
    Charles attempted to seize military supplies at Hull – they do not allow him in. (commissions of array)
    Majority on both sides did not want to go to war but it was equally as dangerous to not pick a side. 
  • the 19 propositions, June 1642
    Parliaments demand for a negotiated settlement:
    All privy councillors to be approved by parliament
    Charles' children could not marry without parliament permission
    The five impeached MPs were to be pardoned 
    Charles had to accept the Triennial Act and Militia Ordinance
    Parliament would direct a reformation of the church.
  • response to 19 propositions
    Written by the constitutional royalists for the King. They think it is too radical
    It portrayed the King as the force that would prevent anarchy
    Stated that Parliament's proposals would lead to 'a dark equal chaos of confusion' in which the threat of popular rebellion was imminent. People would not know where the power lies
  • iconicalism
    destructing or damaging icons in churches (stained glass windows, statutes, alter rails) destructing anything associated with Laud's holiness and Catholicism. Puritans saw icons as catholic and superstitious, they believed the word of god should be central
  • when is war declared on parliament by Charles?
    22nd august 1642