James II

Cards (36)

  • When did James become king?
  • How was James' personality described?
    Authoritarian and inflexible
  • What was James' stance on opposition?
    Regarded all opposition as treason
  • What was James' religious affiliation?
  • What did James want to do for Catholics?
    Give them power and improve their position
  • What was the concern regarding James' rule?
    He would improve the position of Catholics
  • Why did James inherit a strong position?
    He had not done anything 'wrong'
  • What was the Tory majority's stance on James?
    They advocated for him not to be excluded
  • What did James want to achieve with his kingdom?
    A new kingdom similar to 1626
  • How did James treat opposition?
    As treason
  • What laws did James want to repeal?
    Test and Corporation acts
  • Who led a rebellion in Scotland in 1685?
    Earl of Argyll
  • What was the outcome of the Earl of Argyll's rebellion?
    It failed
  • What did James do after the rebellion in Scotland?
    Appointed Catholics to powerful positions
  • Who plotted a rebellion in the west of England?
    Duke of Monmouth
  • What did Monmouth declare himself as?
  • What happened at Sedgemoor?
    The rebels were crushed by the standing army
  • What was the fate of Monmouth after the rebellion?
    He was executed
  • What were the consequences of the rebellion for the rebels?
    250 were sentenced to death, 800 transported
  • What were the 'bloody assizes'?
    Judicial proceedings led by Judge Jefferies
  • What were the reasons for the failure of the rebellions?
    Military weakness and lack of support
  • Who was Jack Ketch?
    The executioner of Duke of Monmouth
  • What was notable about Monmouth's execution?
    It took multiple chops to behead him
  • How did James' first Parliament primarily consist?
    Mainly made up of Tories
  • What financial support did Parliament provide James?
    £2 million a year
  • What did Parliament agree to extend for James?
    His army to 20,000 troops
  • What was the concern regarding James appointing Catholic army officers?
    It might bring loyalty solely to the monarchy
  • What action did James take after Parliament protested?
    Prorogued Parliament after less than 2 weeks
  • What was the significance of Gooden vs Hales (1686)?
    A test case of James' power
  • Who was Hales?
    A Catholic who served in the army
  • What did James do before the trial of Hales?
    Removed six judges to ensure a favorable judgement
  • What was the outcome of the trial regarding Hales?
    Judgement was in James' favour
  • What happened in July 1686 regarding the Privy Council?
    Four Catholics were appointed to it
  • How did Tory Anglicans react to James' actions?
    They did not support his actions
  • What did James issue to preachers?
    A declaration forbidding attacks on Catholics
  • What did James set up to enforce his control?
    'Absolutist lawyers'