Fitzroy Maclean: went to Moscow to take up a posting at the British Embassy.
Wanted to go to parts of Central Asia, which at that time foreigners were forbidden from going to.
He boarded a train going 1700km south from Moscow to Baku on the Caspian sea - then illegally boarded a boat taking him further south to the port of Lenkoran.
Witnessed a line of trucks awakening him, driving toward the town port filled with 'depressed looking Turko-Tartar peasants' under the escort of NKVD troops.
Did not realise at the time that they were peasants being deported by Stalin to Central Asia.
Russification described the process of smaller nations and groups of the Russian empire being forced to abide to the Russian culture and language.
In 1937, Stalin forcefully removed 171000 ethnic Koreans from the Soviet Union's far east, to central Asia.
In 1941, when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, all the Volga Germans were arrested and exiled to Siberia and Central Asia
When Finland joined the invasion, 89000 ethnic Finns were similarly deported