Practical: I-V graphs

Cards (11)

  • I-V characteristics (I-V Graphs):
    GRAPHS that show how the CURRENT (I) through a component changes with the POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE (V) applied to it.
    Like a fixed resistor, show a STRAIGHT LINE on the graph, indicating that current & potential difference are DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL.
    Like a filament lamp or a diode, show a CURVED LINE, meaning the relationship between current & potential difference is NOT proportional.
    • Build TEST CIRCUIT with VARIABLE resistor to control current
    • AMMETER in series & VOLTMETER in parallel
    • The COMPONENT being tested
    • Change the variable resistor to alter the CURRENT flowing through & P.D across the component
    • Record READINGS from both the meters as you adjust the variable resistor
    • Take multiple readings to ensure accuracy & calculate an average
    • SWAP the connections to the battery to reverse the current's direction
    • This checks the component’s behaviour in both directions
    • PLOT a graph of current against voltage to visualise the component's I-V characteristics
  • The graph for an OHMIC CONDUCTOR (like a resistor) will be a straight line
  • The graph for a FILAMENT LAMP will start to curve as the current increases due to the filament heating up
  • The graph for a DIODE will show current flow in one direction & very little in the opposite direction
    • Potential difference across R decreased
    • Current in R decreased
  • Resistance is constant, because it's a straight line through the origin.
    • measure the current in R using the ammeter
    • measure the p.d. across R using the voltmeter
    • vary the resistance of the variable resistor
    • record a range of values of current & p.d.
    • ensure current is low to avoid temperature increase
    • switch circuit off between readings
    • reverse connection of R to power supply repeat measurements of I & V in negative direction
    • plot a graph of current against p.d.