
Subdecks (12)

Cards (281)

    A circuit works when CHARGE is allowed to FLOW through it. Usually these charges are free moving ELECTRONS or IONS.
    • A measure of total current that flowed within a period of time.
    • Units: COULOMBS (C)
    Amount of charge passing through a point in one sec or rate of flow of charge
    • A characteristics of current in a single closed loop is that it has the  SAME VALUE at any point in the loop.
    • Units: AMPERES (A)
    The measure of ENERGY per unit of CHARGE, transferred between two points in a circuit.
    • the force driving the flow of electrons around the circuit
    • provided by the cell / battery
    • Units: VOLTS (V)
    In a circuit, it SLOWS down the flow of CURRENT.
    • The HIGHER the resistance in a circuit, the LOWER the current, if the potential difference stays the same.
    • Units: OHMS (Ω)
  • OHM'S LAW:
    The relationship between current, resistance & potential difference.
    • It states that the CURRENT is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the potential difference.
    A conductor that obeys ohm's law.
  • circuit
    a closed loop that contains a power source & wire for the electrons to flow through
  • electrons travel from the negative terminal to the positive terminal in a circuit
  • conventional current
    where the electrons flow from: Positive terminal ➔ negative terminal
    • this was people used to believe in
  • resistance is caused by the repeated collisions between the electrons in the material with each other & with the fixed positive ions in the material
    • the resistance of a component is the ratio of PD to current
  • current in inversely proportional to resistance
    • more resistance = less current
    • less resistance = more current
  • more:
    • length of the wire
    • thickness of the wire
    • temperature
    = more resistance