On an I-V graph, current flowing in the CORRECT direction is shown by a sharp increase in current on the POSITIVE AXIS
When the diode is connected in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION, the graph is FLAT at 0, indicating NO CURRENT flowing.
At low potential differences, there is a straight portion on the graph which means the resistance is CONSTANT; the graph curves at higher potential differences.
As the potential difference INCREASES, the gradient of line DECREASES, which shows that RESISTANCE is INCREASING, because the FILAMENT in the bulb gets HOTTER, which happens as more current passes through it.
The filament is a METAL which means it contains METAL IONS and DELOCALISED ELECTRONS in its structure.
When the temperature of the filament INCREASES, the metal ions VIBRATE leading to MORE COLLISIONS between the IONS and ELECTRONS which INCREASES RESISTANCE.
Circuit Symbols
A) open switch
B) closed switch
C) cell
D) battery
E) lamp
F) ammeter
G) voltmeter
H) resistor
I) variable resistor
J) thermistor
K) light-dependent resistor
L) diode
M) light emitting diode
N) fuse
P=I^2 x R
VpIp = VsIs
Convectional current goes from positive to negative