Carbon Footprint

Cards (14)

  • What is the term used to describe the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full lifecycle of a product?
    Carbon footprint
  • Why are carbon dioxide and methane considered greenhouse gases?
    They contribute to climate change
  • What human activities are causing the release of greenhouse gases?
    Various human activities, including burning fossil fuels
  • What are two greenhouse gases mentioned in the material?
    Carbon dioxide and methane
  • What is one way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from heating homes?
    Insulating homes or turning down heating
  • How can public transport help reduce carbon dioxide emissions?
    It releases less carbon dioxide per passenger
  • What is a renewable source of electricity mentioned in the material?
    Wind power
  • What is one personal action to reduce electricity usage at home?
    Switching to energy-saving light bulbs
  • What are two problems associated with reducing carbon emissions?
    Cost and inconvenience
  • What is one major source of methane emissions mentioned?
    Agriculture, particularly grazing cattle
  • How can reducing beef and dairy consumption help with methane emissions?
    It decreases methane released by cattle
  • How can methane from landfills be managed?
    By trapping and burning it to produce electricity
  • Why is methane considered a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide?
    It has a greater warming potential
  • Where can students find more questions on the carbon footprint?
    In the revision workbook