islamic practices

Cards (62)

  • What are the five pillars of Islam?
    Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawma, Hajj
  • What does Shahadah represent in Islam?
    It is the declaration of faith
  • What is Salah in Islamic practices?
    It refers to the five daily prayers
  • What is Zakah?
    Giving money as tax to the poor
  • What does Sawma involve?
    Fasting during Ramadan
  • What is Hajj?
    A pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca
  • What happens if any of the five pillars are removed?
    The "house of Islam" would fall down
  • Which of the five pillars is not included in the ten obligatory acts for Shias?
    Shahadah is not included
  • What are the ten obligatory acts for Shias?
    • Salah: five daily prayers
    • Zakah: giving money to the poor
    • Khums: annual tax of 20% of savings
    • Amr-bil-Maroof: duty to promote what is right
    • Nahi Anil Munkari: duty to stop wrongdoings
    • Tawalla: expressing love to the righteous
    • Tabarra: expressing hatred towards evil
    • Jihad: struggle to live as God wants
  • What is Khums?
    An annual tax of 20% of savings
  • What is Amr-bil-Maroof?
    Duty to promote what is right
  • What does Nahi Anil Munkari mean?
    Duty to stop wrongdoings
  • What is Tawalla?
    Expressing love to those who are righteous
  • What is the concept of Jihad in Islam?
    Striving or struggle to live as God wants
  • How do Sunnis and Shias differ in terms of Zakah?
    Shias give 20%, Sunnis give 2.5%
  • What does Tabarra signify?
    Expressing disassociation and hatred towards evil
  • Why was Muhammad concerned with the needs of the poor?
    He was orphaned at a young age
  • How much Zakah do Sunnis give?
    2.5% of their wealth
  • How is Zakah collected in Muslim countries?
    The government collects it like tax
  • What is Sadaqah?
    Voluntary donations beyond Zakah
  • What is the significance of giving charity according to Hadith?
    Even half a date fruit can save from hellfire
  • What does Shahadah state?
    There is no God but Allah
  • What does Shahadah embody?
    The Muslim belief in tawhid
  • When is Shahadah whispered to a newborn?
    Into the ear of a new-born baby
  • What is the last words a Muslim should speak?
    Shahadah should be the last words
  • How is Shahadah used in Islamic practice?
    It is used to form the adhan
  • What does Salah demonstrate?
    Dedication to Allah
  • What is wudu?
    An important ritual washing before praying
  • What does the Qur'an state about cleanliness?
    Allah loves those who care for cleanliness
  • What are rak'ahs in Salah?
    Sequence of movements during prayers
  • What is the Jumu'ah prayer?
    Prayed every Friday instead of midday prayer
  • What is the role of the imam during Jumu'ah prayer?
    Delivers a sermon to the congregation
  • How do Shias pray differently from Sunnis?
    Shias group some prayers together
  • Where do Sunnis place their heads during prayer?
    Directly on the mosque's floor
  • Why do Shias place their heads on a stone?
    They believe it is wrong to pray on carpets
  • What is a du'a?
    A private prayer apart from obligatory prayers
  • What are prayer beads used for?
    To help recite the 99 names of Allah
  • Why do some Muslims disagree with prayer beads?
    Because Muhammad never used them
  • What is the significance of fasting during Ramadan?
    It allows for sins to be forgiven
  • What does the Qur'an say about fasting?
    Fasting has been prescribed for believers