full course rs

Subdecks (4)

Cards (219)

  • Explain Christian views on the nature of God. (6 marks)
  • Explain Christian views on the Trinity. (5 marks)
  • "All Christians should believe the story of creation in Genesis is literally true" (15 marks)
  • Explain how sin/evil entered the world according to Christianity. (6 marks)
  • "A good God would not allow evil and suffering." (15 marks)
  • "Irenaeus' theodicy is not a convincing argument against the problem of evil" (15 marks)
  • Explain how the problem of evil may lead some to doubt God's existence. (6 marks)
  • Explain who Christians believe Jesus was. (6 marks)
  • "The resurrection of Jesus is the most important belief about him for Christians." (15 marks)
  • "Without Jesus being the incarnation of God, Christianity is pointless." (15 marks)
  • Explain Jesus' teachings on the Sermon on the Mount. (6 marks)
  • Explain how Christians' might be inspired by Jesus' example. (6 marks)
  • Explain the Christian concept of salvation through Jesus. (6 marks)