flawed, researchereffects show that twins who look alike are more likely to be treated alike. also need to account genes can operate differently in differentenvironments.
however Gottesman and Shields collected empiricalobjective data, and understanding genes working different in differentenvironments provides holistic view
evidence for genetics?
significant genetic factor seen (Gottesman and Shields1966) showing concordance rate for severe schiz in MZ= 75%, DZ= 25%. Thomas (2018), explains schiz stems from brainabnormalities in earlybraindevelopment.
however Wright (2014), there are over 700 genes that account for schiz.
diathesisstress model is more holistic point of view, explains biological factors are triggered by the environment.
applications for genetics?
more recent research allows specific genes to be understood and provide families with geneticcounselling. potential look into genetherapy and calculating chance of schiz development if another family member has it.