79% heritability rate for schiz, showing genetics play a part in cause of schiz.
Wright (2014)?
700 genes are linked to schiz
this number will continue to grow as moreresearch is conducted
major types of research done to investigate role of genes in schiz?
family studies, if biological relatives also have schiz (but difficult to separate nature vs nurture if same upbringing)
adoption studies, genetic factor can be looked into whilst separating role of nurture.
twin studies, look into concordance rate: degree which twins are similar on characteristic.
example of twin study that looks into schiz?
Gottesman and Shields (1966), looking at whether schiz had genetic basis, looking into records of 57 schiz patients that were 1 member of twin over 16 year period collecting secondary data from them. saw concordancerare is higher in females, severeschz is higher in MZ (75%) than DZ (25%).
suggests schiz does have a bio basis, but other triggers (environmental) play a role since MZ that share 100% DNA don't have 100% concordance rate.