interpreations and debates of congress

Subdecks (3)

Cards (13)

  • Growth of power
    • 16th Amendment (1913) gave Congress the power to levy an income tax.
    • Midterm elections have much more of a national policy focus, placing much more power in the House Speaker and minority and majority leaders.
  • Reduction of power
    • Foreign policy is increasingly controlled by the president who has the power to initiate ‘military actions’ such as the Vietnam war and recent interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.
    • In recent years there has been less cooperation between the two parties. If there is a divided Congress without cooperation, legislation is less likely to pass through both houses and Congress will pass few laws.
  • reduced power- executive orders
    • Presidents are using executive orders more to pass legislation, bypassing Congress.
    • If the President’s party controls either house, executive orders are less likely to be challenged.
    • The presidency has become a “bully pulpit” to shape public opinion.
    • Donald Trump used Twitter to influence and shape public opinion.