debates about the adequacy of its represenatvie role

Cards (4)

  • adeqaute representation
    The 115th Congress was the most racially and ethnically diverse in history, with 19% non-white members (up from 15% in the 114th).
    • Despite low overall approval for Congress, most individual congresspeople have over 50% approval from their constituents.
    • American citizens are ideologically divided, especially along urban/rural lines, which is reflected in the diverse ideologies in Congress.
  • Example of adequate representation
    • Congress represents a wide range of ideologies.
    • Within the Republicans, there are libertarians such as Rand Paul, moderates such as Susan Collins, and Tea Party members such as Ted Cruz.
  • inadequate: gerrymandering
    • Gerrymandering by state legislatures leads to underrepresentation of minorities in the House.
    • Cracking splits groups of voters into smaller districts to prevent a majority.
    • Packing concentrates voters into one district to limit one party’s seats.
    • Voting district lines are often drawn by partisan committees to benefit their own party.
  • inadequaet- relction
    • Short terms in the House make representatives focus more on re-election than constituents' needs.
    • This makes them vulnerable to the influence of corporations and pressure groups that fund their campaigns.
    • Example: Despite 90% of Americans supporting background checks for gun owners, measures are often blocked by Congresspeople funded by the NRA.