Cards (3)

    • significane of powers
    • Article I of the Constitution outlines the powers of Congress, including:
    • The exclusive power to declare war
    • Power over financial matters (e.g., taxes)
    • Power to impeach and try members of the executive and judiciary
    • These powers are entrenched, requiring a supermajority in both houses to change.
    • Entrenchment ensures the President cannot overrule Congress on certain issues, keeping the President’s power checked.
  • Effectiveness of powers
    • Congress has the power to levy taxes, including income taxes since 1913.
    • Congress controls major laws and can override a presidential veto.
    • Congress uses the power of the purse to check the executive branch.
    • Congress has implied powers through the "necessary and proper" clause, allowing it to expand its authority.
  • Less effective
    • The increasing use of executive orders by presidents has made the Constitutional powers of congress less effective.
    • Presidents have initiated wars without consent from Congress, making the Constitutional power to declare war less effective.
    • For example, the Vietnam War never received consent from Congress.