The New right considers divorce detrimental to children so claims parents should stay together
Rodgers and Pryor argues children that experience divorce are more likely to be in poverty, poor housing and have behavioural problems
The New Right also argues that if children lack contact with one parent it is harder for them to cope and step-families can cause problems
The New Right says one-parent families are a threat to society as boys in particular grow up without disciplinary figures
Fletcher (Functionalist) argues marriage is valued and therefore people have higher expectations of marriage so divorce can be functional as it allows for individuals to leave unhappy marriages
Feminists argue that the greater ability of women to escape from marriage as an exploitative and potentially violent relationships
Bernard (Feminist) argues women feel a growing dissatisfaction with patriarchal marriage so the increase of divorce is evidence women are becoming more conscious of patriarchal oppression
Postmodernists see divorce as a result of family fragmentation and is a general fragmentation of social life
Giddens suggests divorce can be liberating for the individual and a source of disruption and tension
Morgan (Interactionist) argues you can't generalise divorce as it is all different
Mitchell & Goody (Interactionist) say the fathers consider the divorce the best day of their life but mother's call it the worst day of their life
Personal Life Perspective says there is a financial problems because of divorce that can effect children, svant says divorce is normalised