1. Small surface area to volume ratio2. Waterproof exoskeleton made of chitin (polysaccharide)3. Spiracles (where gases can enter and exit - open and close to reduce water loss)This is why they can’t use their bodies as exchange surface
Three main features of an insect's gas transport system
1. Spiracles = holes on the body’s surface which can be open and closed to allow gases in and out2. Tracheae = large tubes extending through the body, supported by rings of chitin to prevent collapsing2. Tracheoles = smaller branches dividing off to reach to every single tissue to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
First Method - Diffusion● Gases move in and out of the tracheae through the spiracles.● A diffusion gradient (as oxygen is used during respiration) allows oxygen to diffuse into the body tissue while waste CO2 diffuses out.● Contraction of muscles in the tracheae allows mass movement of air in and out.Second Method - Mass transport● Abdominal muscles contract and relax to move gases on massThird Method - Anaerobic Respiration● Produces lactic acid● Lowers water potential● Therefore water moves into cells via osmosis● Lower pressure in tracheoles so more air in
Two main features of a fish's gas transport system
Gills= supported by arches (multiple projections of gill filaments), stacked up in pilesLamellae= at right angles to gill filaments, increases surface area, blood and water flow across them in opposite directions (countercurrent exchange system)
● The fish opens its mouth to enable water to flow in, then closes its mouth to increase pressure. ● The water passes over the lamellae, and the oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream. ● Waste carbon dioxide diffuses into the water and flows back out of the gills.
How does the countercurrent exchange system maximise oxygen absorbed by the fish?
1. Water and blood flow in opposite directions2. Maintains a concentration gradient as water is always next to blood with a lower concentration of oxygen3. Along whole length of gill4. Enables 80% of oxygen to be absorbed
Cartilaginous -no ventilation mechanism-have to keep swimming in order for oxygenated blood to flow over gills-parallel flowBony -water in through mouth-forced over gills-countercurrent flow
Three adaptations of a leaf that allow efficient gas exchange
1) Thin and Flat ( short diffusion distance)2) Many small pores on underside (stomata) to allow gases to easily enter3) Air spaces (spongy mesophyll) allow gases to move around leaf (facilitating photosynthesis)
Waxy Cuticle: A waxy, waterproof layer which cuts down the water lost by evaporation and protects against parasitic fungiUpper epidermis: A single layer of cells that are transparent and contain no chloroplast allowing light to pass straight throughPalisade layer: Made up of palisade cells which contain chloroplasts, where most of the photosynthesis takes placeVein: Contains tubes called the xylem and phloem. The xylem brings water and salts to the leaf for photosynthesis. The phloem transports the dissolved foods awaySpongy mesophyll: consists of irregularly shaped cells with large air spaces between them allowing gas exchange (diffusion) between stomata and photosynthesising cellsLower epidermis: contains lots of tiny holes or pores called stomata at regular intervals which allow gases to diffuse in and out of the leaf
Similarities and differences between gas exchange in plants and insects
Similarities 1. Obtain the gases they need from the air by diffusion down a concentration gradient2. Movement of gases is controlled by pore- like structuresDifferences 1. Insects deliver air through tubes which aren't present in leaves2. Muscle contraction in insects can assist with movement of air whereas leaves cant
-Wide tube supported by C-shaped cartlidge to keep airway open during pressure changes-Lined ciliated epithelial cells which move mucus towards the throat to be swallowed to prevent lungs from infecfion-Carries air to bronchi
-Narrower than the bronchi-Not kept open by cartilage so only have muscle and elastic fibres which contract and relax during ventilation -Allow passage of air into the alveoli.
1. provide large surface area 2. wall of alveoli and wall of capillary are only 1-cell thick - short diffusion distance3. moist surface allows the gases to dissolve in water then pass in and out of the alveoli4. network of capillaries surround each alveolus5. concentration gradient between alveoli & capillary is high due to capillaries being narrow and blood flowing