
Cards (6)

  • After the Srebrenica Massacre, NATO decided that any further Serbian attacks would result immediately in air strikes against them.
    NATO also decided it would no longer wait for UN approval to carry these out.
    • Another attack on Sarajevo market led to 2 weeks of NATO attacks.
  • Subsequent to the attack on Sarajevo market for the following time, UN removed all peacekeepers from surrounding areas so that Serbs could not take hostages.
    Serbs were also attacked by the Croatians.
  • Finally the Serbs were ready to negotiate.
    • Dayton Police Accords, divided Bosnia into two:
    51% for Bosnian-Croats and Muslims.
    49% for Bosnian-Serbs
    This division was overseen by the USA.
    However, the image of the UN was very damaged in the USA and so their government did not want to play a large role in Dayton.
  • The failure of the UN to protect the population of the 'Safe' area of Srebrenica did great damage to it's reputation.
    One reason why the USA wanted no role in Dayton accords
    • This still overshadows the UN's reputation today
    (had a big impact)
  • However: some evidence of success for UN
    No fly zones + safe areas did save some lives
    Over 2.7 million Bosnians received humanitarian aid
    When the UN finally allowed NATO air strikes against the Serbs, the Serbs did agree to negotiate peace
    UN peacekeepers protected access to Sarajevo airport for humanitarian + peacekeeping efforts
  • Evidence of UN failure
    No fly zones + safe areas were frequently violated
    UN peacekeepers taken hostage - limited ability to act
    Not enough UN peacekeepers to carry out all its policies
    Relations between UN and USA were bad (Dayton Accords)
    Image of UN severely damaged, especially by what happened in Srebrenica
    • Appeared weak and unable to resolve conflict
    • Brought on lack of support for UN peacekeeping from International governments
    Progress in Bosnia ultimately had relied on NATO and the USA