International Community

Cards (3)

  • The African Union (AU) sent a mission (AMIS) to Darfur in 2005.
    • AMIS stands for African Union Mission in Sudan.
    In 2006: It helped to negotiate a peace agreement.
    • Supported by UN, however not supported by most of the fighting forces in Darfur.
    • Fighting continued and the humanitarian crisis worsened.
  • The Security council had concerns about Darfur since 2003 but had not been enthusiastic about intervening before 2006 (because)
    1. The peace deal between north and south Sudan was close and they did not want to endanger it
    2. The USA and Britain were fighting and occupying Iraq and didn't want to intervene elsewhere
    3. China had just done a deal for Sudanese oil that was important for its rapidly growing economy
    4. Darfur was complicated: different rebel groups were fighting each other as well as the government.
  • In August 2006, the UN wanted to extend its mission to Darfur
    • Sudanese government would not allow it
    The UN instead helped to support AMIS while developing plans for a joint AU/UN mission.