Place equal amounts of cotton wool into the base of three Petri dishes. 2. Add 10ml of water to the cotton wool.
3. Place 10 seeds on the cotton wool in each of the Petri dishes. Try to give each of the seeds plenty of
space because it will make it easier to measure them.
4. Place the seeds in a warm place and allow time for them to germinate.
5. Add equal amounts of water to each of the Petri dishes if the cotton wool is becoming too dry.
Method: Measuring Growth of the Seedlings
Once the seeds germinated, ensure there is an equal number in each Petri dish. 2. Place one Petri dish in: a dark cupboard receiving no/very little light; a
windowsill that will get as much light as possible; an area with partial light.
3. Every day for five days, measure the height of the seedlings and record the results.
4. To measure the height of the seedlings, you must ensure each seedling is at its full height. You may need
to use the forceps to carefully lift the seedling.
5. Calculate the mean height of the seedlings each day.