Describe how you would investigate the effect of light on the growth of newly germinated seedlings
● Incubate seeds in 3 Petri dishes and allow them to germinate
● Place one dish in full sunlight, one in partial sunlight and one
in complete darkness
● Measure the height of each seedling every day for a week
and calculate the mean height for each day
● Plot graph of mean seedling height (y) against day (x)
Which group of seedlings would you expect to grow the most and why?
The group in full sunlight - light is required for
photosynthesis and these plants will not have
light intensity as a limiting factor
What growth substance in plants is affected by light?
Auxins - the distribution of auxins in seedling
stems is affected by light. This impacts the
seedling’s direction of growth
Why is it necessary to find the mean height of the seedlings?
Some seedlings may be much shorter/longer
than others in the same dish - calculating a mean
makes the values more representative and
allows comparison between groups