
Cards (23)

  • Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words
  • Alliteration gives a poetic flow to your spoken language
  • "The sly snake slithers slowly in the sand" what repetition is this? Alliteration
  • Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound
  • Assonance is a literary technique where the same orbsimilar vowel sound is repeated
  • "Tom clāps his hand and stāmps his feet" what repetition is this? Assonance
  • Repetition is the use of a wordbor phrase more than once in a passage
  • Repetition is used multiple times to create rythm or emphasize a word or phrase
  • "Sweet mēlon lips, bitter-mēlon heart" what is this?
  • Paradox is a statement that appears to be contradictory at first but then makes sense upon reflection
  • Paradox is a statement level contradiction that gives the impressions of absurdity
  • Comes from the Greek word "para" which means "contrary to" and doxa means "opinions
  • Oxymoron is the combination of opposite or extremely dissimilar words into a single phrase
  • Comes from the Greek word "oxy" which means "sharp" and "moros" which means "dull"
  • Legal nonfiction is about how laws are utilized to ignite educational discussions
  • Who is the first prime minister of Philippines the brain of revolution? Apolinario Mabini
  • Who was born at july 23, 1864 and died at may 13, 1903? Apolinario Mabini
  • Who was a filipino general during the Philippine revolution, the brain of the katipunan? Emilio Jacinto
  • Who was born at December 15, 1875 and died at April 16, 1899? Emilio Jacinto
  • Communicarive Strategies involves sending and recieving messages through verbal and non verbal methods
  • Turn taking and turn giving strategies show how the participants of the conversation communicate in alternating manner
    •also occurs in a conversation where one tells and the other listens
  • Speak, then ask
    lay on the table the point you want to say to other participants. Then ask them direct questions so they will be obliged to answer
  • Use conjunctions
    Using "however" "as a result" and "on the contrary" appropriately to lengthen your turn