
Cards (40)

  • What is a stimulus in the context of sensation?
    Anything that influences an organism
  • How do stimuli interact with the body?
    Via sensory receptors
  • What is sensation?
    Detection of environmental stimuli
  • What do sensory organs do?
    Convert sensory information to electrochemical energy
  • What are sensory organs?
    Specialized organs containing sensory neurons
  • What are sensory receptors?
    Specialized cells that detect sensory information
  • What are the three main steps of sensation?
    1. Reception: Detection of sensory information
    2. Transduction: Changing sensory info into electrochemical energy
    3. Transmission: Movement of energy to the brain
  • What is perception?
    Mental representation created by the brain
  • How does perception vary among individuals?
    Influenced by context, culture, and experiences
  • What is selection in the perception process?
    Selecting crucial features for processing
  • What is organization in perception?
    Categorizing selected information into patterns
  • What is interpretation in perception?
    Assigning meanings to grouped patterns
  • What is attention?
    Mental capacity to concentrate on stimuli
  • What are the two types of attention?
    Selective and divided attention
  • What is selective attention?
    Concentrating on chosen stimuli
  • What is divided attention?
    Concentrating on multiple stimuli simultaneously
  • What does the Cocktail Party Effect demonstrate?
    • Ability to focus on one conversation
    • Awareness of simultaneous conversations
    • Use of selective and divided attention
  • What is storage in memory processes?
    Retention of information within memory stores
  • What is retrieval in memory processes?
    Movement of information to conscious awareness
  • What is encoding in memory processes?
    Form in which information is stored
  • What are the types of encoding?
    Acoustic, visual, and semantic encoding
  • What is the Multi-Store Model of Memory?
    • Memory compared to a computer
    • Information flows through three storage systems
    • Components: sensory register, short-term memory, long-term memory
  • What is the sensory register?
    Memory store for briefly held sensory information
  • What is the capacity of the sensory register?
    Unlimited capacity
  • How long is visual information held in the iconic store?
    0.2-0.4 seconds
  • How long is auditory information held in the echoic store?
    3-4 seconds
  • What is short-term memory?
    • Temporary memory store for limited information
    • Receives information from sensory register and long-term store
    • Limited capacity of 5-9 pieces of information
  • What happens to information in short-term memory?
    Decays after 15-30 seconds without rehearsal
  • What is long-term memory?
    • Relatively permanent memory store
    • Limitless amount of information
    • Sends and receives information from short-term store
  • What is procedural memory?
    Memory for skills or actions
  • What is declarative memory?
    Memory for factual information expressed in words
  • What is semantic memory?
    Impersonal factual knowledge
  • What is episodic memory?
    Memory for personally significant events
  • What is the Working Memory Model?
    • Dynamic storage system for short-term memory
    • Capable of holding multiple pieces of information
    • Consists of central executive, phonological loop, and visuospatial sketchpad
  • What is the role of the central executive in the Working Memory Model?
    Coordinates slave systems and controls attention
  • What is the phonological loop?
    Stores and processes auditory information
  • What are the components of the phonological loop?
    Phonological store and articulatory process
  • What is the visuospatial sketchpad?
    Stores and manipulates visual and spatial information
  • What is the episodic buffer?
    Temporarily stores consolidated information
  • What is the capacity of the episodic buffer?
    Limited capacity accessible by consciousness