
Cards (16)

  • Memory
    • the cognitive process of encoding , storing, and retrieving information and experiences. The ability to acquire, retain, and recall certain skills, events, and past experiences
  • Encoding
    • The process of transforming sensory information or experiences into a format that can be stored and received. Involves attention, perception, and initial processing of info.
  • Storage
    • Refers to the retention of encoded information over time. Involves the formation and maintenance of memory traces or representations in the brain
  • Retrieval
    • Process of assessing and bringing stored information back into consciousness
  • Sensory Memory
    • Initial stage of memory where sensory information from the environment is briefly registered. Holds a lot of information for a very short duration
  • Short-term Memory (STM)
    • A.k.a. Working memory. Responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information. Has limited capacity and a relatively short duration if not rehearsed
  • Long-term Memory (LTM)
    • Stage where information can be stored for an extended period. Has potentially unlimited capacity and a relatively permanent duration.
  • Types of Long-Term Memory:
    Declarative Memory
    • Refers to memory for facts, events, and knowledge that can be consciously recalled and verbally expressed.
    • Semantic Memory (General Knowledge)
  • Types of declarative memory:
    Semantic Memory (General Knowledge)
    Episodic Memory (Personal Experiences)
  • Types of long-term memory:
    Procedural Memory
    • Memory for skill, habit, motor action
    • Involves learning and retention of how to perform certain skills
  • Types of long-term memory:
    Implicit Memory
    • Memory that influences our behavior or cognitive processes without conscious awareness
    • Includes priming, classical conditioning, and other non-conscious forms of memory
  • Attention
    • Fundamental cognitive process that determines which information gets selected and processed in short-term memory.
  • Rehearsal
    • Cognitive process of continuously repeating or mentally reviewing information to maintain in STM. It helps prevent the decay of information from STM that can aid in its transfer to LTM
  • Chunking
    • Cognitive process that involves grouping individual pieces of information into larger more meaningful units.
  • Retrieval
    • Process of accessing and recalling the information from STM.
  • Types of Retrieval:
    1. Recognition
    • Involves identifying previously encountered information
    1. Recall
    • Retrieving information from memory w/o external cues