Individual differences, Eysenck criminal personality

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  • There are three dimensions in Eysenck theory of personality ?
  • an adults personality is a mix of biological tendencies combined with learning experiences. this mix can explain how some people commit crime
  • what is the role of the nervous system in determining extroversion ?
    They have an under aroused nervous system, so they have to seek external stimulation to restore optimum cortotal arousal. Introverts lie at the opposite end of the spectrum.
  • Why are extroverts harder to fear condition ?
    Personality traits such as extroversion can influence fear conditioning because extroverts tend to have a higher threshold for experiencing fear and are more likely to seek out social interactions that can buffer against fear, and no longer be scared of punishment, this heightens the likelihood to criminal behaviour in the future, basically they can’t identify thr right social ques that indicate threats
  • What i the role of the nervous system in neurorisism ?
    they have a dysfunctional sympathetic nervous system, it is highly reactive to stimuli, i.e people are easy to come to anger or upset.
  • biological basis for psychotisism ?
    Linked to higher levels of testosterone, which means men are more likely to score higher on this trait
  • Characteristics of psychoticism
    lack or empathy, being manipulative, egocentric, aggressive and generally unconcerned about the welfare of other people. It has been linked to heightened levels of testosterone, suggesting that men are more likely to have this trait
  • Characteristics of neuroticism
    Anxious, obsessive, tense, low self-esteem emotional quick to anger or upset