Cards (6)

  • Supporting evidence - dunlop
    Found that both extroversion and neuroticism were good predictors of delinquency
  • supporting evidence zuckerman
    conducted a twin study that supports that personality has a biological element.
  • reductionist explaination
    Though it oversimplifies behaviour down to personality, some argue there dimensions of personality do not enough to explain the full range of personality traits that are linked to criminal behaviour
  • reductionist explaination 

    it could also be seen as less reductionist than others, as it considers both nature and nurture. Eysenck also suggested that there is a biological predisposition towards certain personality traits combined with conditioning and socialisation during childhood that determined our personality. this is more interactionist than other explinations, making in more valid that some of these approaches.
  • Lack of cause and effect
    You cannot be certain weather the personality traits causes the criminal behaviour or weather the personality causes the criminal behaviour. And there is little longitudinal research done into this.
  • method of modification
    If there are underlying tendencies visible in childhoof, it may be possible to modify behaviour at a young age. This could lead to interventions based on parenting or early treatment for delinquency and hence may be a Great practical benefit to reducing criminal behaviour.