Universalistic Standards - Everyone is treated the same and by the samestandards Theorist: Parson
RoleAllocation - Allocating students based on their ability Theorists: Davison Moore
Correspondence Principle - How school mirrors the work place. Theorists: Bowels and Gintis
Relative Autonomy - Education system has not been designed to fit the needs of the economy Theorists: Giroux
Social Mobility - The ability of people to move up or down the social class ladder
Immediate Gratification - the satisfaction of a desire or impulse immediately -usually acted on by W/C for example: wanting to start a job to earn money whilst in school-
Deferred Gratification - the ability to delay gratification for a long term reward -Usually acted on by M/C for example: going to university and getting a high paying job-
Restricted Codes - the code of informal spoken English that is known to have simplistic sentence structures which supposedly are a characteristic of W/C speakers Theorist: Bernstein
Elaborated Code - A code that is more complex and elaborate than the basic code, often used by the M/C and U/C Theorist: Bernstein
Compensatory Education - A system of education that attempts to tackle cultural deprivation by providing extra educational opportunities and resources for those who have been disadvantaged -for example: EducationalActionZones -
Cultural Capital - the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are associated with being M/C Theorist: Bourdieu
Ethnocentric Curriculum - Where the curriculum is centred around one culture
Hegemonic Masculinity - the dominant form of masculinity that is privileged and upheld by society.
Hidden Curriculum - The unwritten rules and expectations that are not explicitly stated but are understood by the students.
Anti-School Subcultures - A group of young people who reject the values and norms of the school
Marketisation of Education - Schools competing in order to get the best ranking and attract more students
Privileged choosers - Middle class parents who use economic and cultural capital to gain educational capital for their children.
New Vocationalism - Education that is tailored for students going straight into employment
Patriarchal Values - When education reinforces patriarchy Theorist: Michelle Stanworth
Institutional Racism - Where policies, procedures and practices of institutions discriminate on ethnic or racial grounds as opposed to just individuals acting on racial prejudice.
Myth of Meritocracy and Ascribed Status - Meritocracy doesn't exist and you are born into a class based on how rich your family is