good: balancedgender seen. actual age range in study 2 is 18-54 so quite wide range
bad: all people who may enjoy scary experiences and volunteers so won't apply to more anxious people. mean age in study 1 is 26.1, cannot represent to ages outside this.
good: controlsseen, eample same scaryactor used, same maze, same walkingtime and same tour, results can be replicable
catastrophe theory is supported, suggested it can be used in reallife situations and try to find ways to potentially combat anxiety
good: correlated heart rate with the STAI to accurately measure anxiety. accurate data is seen. controls for baselies with heartrate in study 1 seen
bad: subjective measures (self report, unsure what a 6/10 means to someone).
fieldexperiment in study 2? controlling all extraneousvariables present? eg all interactions within the maze cannot be controlled