Cards (3)

  • procedure (2)?
    field experiment, visitors had a reduction in admission price to take part. told they would take part in a questionnaire after visit. 56 people volunteered (27f 29m). no informed consent given, visit was same as first study walking slowly for first 7 minutes but no heart rate monitor used. after leaving labyrinth purpose of experiment was explained and informed consent/right to withdraw apparent. then completed: STAI, questionnaire on memory of scary person (free recall, cured recall items), asked to identify scary person on 9 person photograph line up, confidence rated 0-100%.
  • results (2)?
    • mean state anxiety score of 49 was higher than anxiety norms of working adults
    • mean trait anxiety score was 36.8, normal level of working adults
    • higher for females (52.8) than males (45.3).
    • males made more correct identifications (19/29 males) than females (7/27 females)
  • conclusions (2)?
    • experiment supports catastrophe theory
    • in a situation that provokes anxiety and stress, there's a sudden drop in memory performance
    • experience of stress in naturalistic context has a negative influence on accuracy of EWT (supports validity of lab based experiments)
    • EWT may be more vulnerable to effect of stress in female witnesses than male