1. Ruling the Second Reich, 1871-79

Cards (19)

  • The Franco-Prussian War
  • The Northern German Confederation
    1867 - Prussias success in the 7 week war All the German states joined the confederation
  • The Kaiser
    power to appoint and dismiss chancellor and to dissolve the reichstag - controlled foreign policy - make treaties and alliances - supervised the execution of all federal laws
  • The Chancellor
    responsible to the emperor not the reichstag - could appoint or dismiss state secretaries responsible for various ministries
  • the reichstag
    national parliament - elected by all males over 25 - accept or reject legislation - limited power to initiate new laws -
  • the bundesrat
    58 members - nominated by the state assemblies - Prussia had 17 members - power to change the constitution
  • the federal government
    responsibilities for the Reich
  • the lander
    25 states - own constitution and administrative systems
  • disunity
    each state had own traditions - 60% of population protestant (catholicism strong in the south-west) - 10% of the Reich pop were poles, Danes or French - economic and social divisions, rich and poor, industrial and rural
  • Prussian dominance
    60% of German pop possessed by Prussia and 2/3 of territory - Prussian autocracy dominant in political, military and administrative structure of the empire -
  • Germanisation of Prussia
    prussia could no longer be governed without consideration of the wider interests of Germany - influence slowly undermined
  • Reichstag weaknesses
    bismarck wanted political power in Germany to remain in traditional hands - little opportunity for the exercise of democracy
  • Reichstag strengths
    Kaiserreich needed a vast number of new laws, no bill could become a law until it passed the reichstag - no other parliament in the world in the 1870s was elected on a broader franchise
  • the national liberals
    strongest political party - protestant middle class support - supported parliamentary democracy - Bismarcks most reliable allies
  • the centre party
    defend catholic interests - second largest party
  • the social democratic party
    SPD - moderate and revolutionary socialists - aim was to overthrow the existing order - campaigned for nationalisation
  • the german conservative party
    mainly composed of Prussian landowners - sceptical about German unification
  • the free conservatives
    wider geographical and social base - landowners and industrialists
  • the progressives
    liberal party - opposed to Bismarcks authoritarian methods