2013, difference in male and female offenders is 80%/20%
peak age for males to carry out offending behaviour = 17
aggressive hormone = testosterone
what drug is used to treat the hormone testosterone?
MPA, works by decreasingfunctioning of testosterone. chemical is known as anti-androgen (breakdown and eliminate testosterone by inhibitingproduction of testosterone)
brings about reduction in sexualdrive and possible aggression
supported by research, scientific so hormone treatments are effective (Maletzky2006)
it benefits society since recidivism rates have decreased using the treatment. demonstrating usefulness=use of psychologicalknowledge in society. decreasing sexual need through use of MPA in male offenders
weaknesses of hormone treatment?
Maletzky, paroleofficers filling questionnaire may be biased (subjective criteria) and retrospective review may be biased when looking into inaccurate past.
ethical issues, MPA can cause serioussideeffects so protection from harm? if person has to take medication they may need to be restrained, goes against freewill as well as restrictingsexualfreedoms
hormone treatments are reductionist, only one treatment is given rather than and social or cognitive factors that can impact