assess outcomes on being on MPA, evaluatingoffenders who had been assessed for appropriateness of MPAon or justbefore release
looked over history of 275 inmates after release to recidivism rate. 134 deemed suitable for MPA, released and contactedparoleofficers to see if they took it. (some didn't receive dosage, not accessible resource in area they live in)
79 males in total received MPA, 55 didn't.
throughout course of treatment, supervisingofficer received/filled in questionnaires on whether newoffences had been committed.
those offenders who received MPA committed fewer new results and nosexual results compared to other 2 groups. assessed as doing 'better' than others who didn't receive MPA
those who receive MPA were less likely to reoffend than those who didn't take it. MPA also reducedsexualdrive since when there were reoffences they were non-sexual