7.2.4 Network types

Cards (6)

  • A LAN is a local area network composed of low voltage devices and computers connected over a short distance. LANs use modems to connect to the WANs
  • A WLAN is a wireless local area network, meaning it uses wireless technology including bluetooth and radio to communicate between devices
  • A WAN is composed of a series of LANs joined together, WANs are rarely owned by one party such as the internet, but many multi-national companies have their own WANs
  • WWAN is a wireless WAN, they use mobile phone signals to provide mobile network services. These are provided wirelessly over large distances with lower frequencies having greater range but lower download speeds
  • PAN - personal rea networks are very small networks of directly connected devices often connected with ethernet or b, it is generally only in a range of 10m (example is a 3d printer connected to a computer)
  • WPAN - wireless PAN often use bluetooth or wireless and have a similarly low distance of accessibility (usually 10m)