7.2 Networks

Subdecks (8)

Cards (166)

  • Application layer- Transmitting
    Sender's email client creates data from user input
  • Presentation layer
    Email data is converted into the common email format MIME and, if necessary, encrypted and/or compressed
  • Session layer- Transmitting
    A session is begun, between sender and email server
  • Transport layer- Transmitting
    Data is split into packets – which are numbered to reassembled - and reliable communication is established using TCP
  • Network layer- Transmitting
    Finds the best path (route) for data transfer to the email server using it's IP address
  • Data link layer - LLC layer- Transmitting
    Packets are made into frames, with error and flow control also being done
  • Data link layer - MAC layer- Transmitting
    Email servers MAC address added to the frame
  • Physical layer- Transmitting
    Frames are converted into bits which are sent as signals through a physical medium, such as WI-FI or Ethernet
  • Receiving - Physical layer
    Bits are converted into frames
  • Receiving - Data link layer - MAC layer
    Receives frame and MAC address is stripped from frame
  • Receiving - Data link layer - LLC layer
    Turns frame into packets, checks data integrity
  • Receiving - Network layer
    Checks packets target IP address to check it has been sent to the correct device if not retransmission is forced
  • Receiving - Transport layer
    Packets are converted into MIME file and TCP is used to check the data
  • Receiving - Session layer
    Session is established between email server and receiver email client
  • Receiving - Presentation layer
    MIME file is converted into receiver email clients locally used format and, if necessary, unencrypted and/or decompressed
  • Receiving - Application layer

    Email is presented to user through email client
  • If ethernet is used then LLC handles flow and error control, otherwise it is done by the transport layer
  • MAC address is only used in local transmission from within the same LAN, otherwise TCP/IP is used, however MAC is always included and will link to the next node of the route usually a router, if the MAC address of the next node or target node is unknown then ARP (address resolution protocol) is used to obtain it