7.2.5 Bandwidth, latency, and frequency

Cards (11)

  • Bandwidth is a measurement of how much data can be transferred from one point to another in a specific period of time
  • Bandwidth is not speed as speed is the rate at which data can be send and bandwidth is the volume for the transfer
  • Bandwidths can be symmetrical (equal both directions), or assymetrical (not equal).
  • Assymetricy of bandwidth generally has which type of transfers volume lower?
  • Latency is the time it takkes to transmit data from one point of a network to another
  • What 5 main factors affect latentcy?
    Medium of transmission
    Router speed
    Propagation delay
  • Distance is a factor of latency as the distance between the devices increase the distance the data needs to travel
  • Transmission medium is a factor of latency as mediums like satellite have to travel to satellites increasing distance often significantly
  • Router is a factor of latency as a router must process a data packet before sending it
  • Propagation delay is a factor of latency as it is the length of time it takes for a data packet travel from teh device to the server
  • Storage is a factor of latency as if it handling many things it will significantly increase latency