Week 12

Subdecks (1)

Cards (63)

  • Atrial kick: passive filling of the ventricles which makes up about 30% of the blood volume
  • Cardiac cells share these 3 features: automaticity, autorhythmicity and autosynchroncity
  • Sa node has a bpm of 60 to 100
  • Atrial cells have a bpm of 55 to 60
  • av node has a bpm of 45 to 50
  • his bundle has a bpm of 40 to 45
  • bundle branches have a bpm of 40 to 45 which is the same as the bundle of his
  • purkinje fibres have a bpm of 35 to 40
  • myocardial cells have a bpm of 30 to 35
  • ECGs measure voltage/amplitude on the y-axis and measure time on the x-axis
  • We use lead 2 to match the direction of electricity in the heart. As electricity heads in that direction, amplitude increases
  • The negative electrode for the 2 lead is placed over the right arm and the positive electrode is placed over the left leg
  • The physiology of V-tach is the rapid depolarization of the ventricles due to chemical imbalance. Could be present with a pulse but there is hemodynamic instability.
  • PEA can occur due to the complete loss of blood
  • The physiology of PEA is the dissociation between the electrical conduction and the myocardial contraction of the heart
  • defibrillation depolarizes a mass of myocardial cells to put them in a resting state so that a pacemaker can take over
  • The American heart association sets the standards for CPR and new guidelines are published every 5 years
  • Each ventilation should be delivered over a second
  • Nobody should touch the PT while the monitor is analyzing
  • Medical VSA with hypothermia is a problem because the blood is cold and slow which means it doesn't circulate as well
  • For a medical tor: PT must be older than 16, arrest must be unwitnessed by paramedic, must have no rosc after 20 minutes of resus and no shocks delivered
  • peri-shock pause is total time without CPR during shock while pre-shock pause is the time from last compression to shock and post-shock pause is the time from shock to CPR
  • For re-arrests during transport, pull over and re-analyze/shock then continue to transport without any more stops.
  • For a trauma tor: PT must be 16 or older, must have no ROSC, no shocks, have asystole must have no signs of life since extrication or have signs of life with nearest ED being > 30 minutes away or they have PEA with nearest ED being > 30 minutes away