Business part 2

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  • Financial rewards include performance related pay,profit sharing, share-ownership schemes,Fringe benefits(eg healthcare), hourly wages,salary,commissio,bonus scheme,piece-rate(pay per unit)
  • Non-financial rewards include Job rotation , Job enlargement(increase in load of tasks),Job enrichment(increase in responsibilities and decision making authority),Training and development,Promotion,Empowerment and participation,team working, quality circles
  • factors that make working more interesting are job rotation,job enlargement,job enrichment, and job redesign
  • Fayol’s functions of management are Planning,organising, directing coordinating and controlling
  • Mintzberg’s management are 1. Interpersonal roles, 2. Informational roles, 3. Decisional roles
  • Mclelland states that 3 motivational theories are relevant these are 1. achievement motivation, 2. authority/power motivation 3.affiliation motivation
  • Hertheory included 2 - job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  • Taylor’s theory emphasises increasing productivity and efficiency through the use of scientific management methods
  • Multinational businesses have headquarters in one country but are operationing in multiple nations
  • International businesses sell in more than one country