
Cards (13)

  • An Infographic is a visual representation composed of images, graphics, and texts designed to give an overview of a topic or issue in a simple, interesting, and easy-to-understand manner.
  • List type provides a sequence of steps, oftentimes to discuss a process or to enumerate ways to do something.
  • Comparison type is used to compare two things in a head-to-head manner, usually with the same set of criteria. 
  • Flow charts are comprised of boxes that are connected by lines and arrows indicating the relationship between boxes and the direction of the flow. 
  • Timeline type traces the historical occurrences or development of something and its connection to the other events before and after it.
  • Map type discusses data trends based on given locations. The basic elements: symbols or legends, lines, boundaries, outlines, and colors.
  • Visual article gives information in the way an informative article would but with more visuals and much less text.
  • Data Visualization presents numerical and statistical data in creatively designed charts and graphs.
  • Three essential components of an infographic are design, content, and knowledge
  • Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word to imitate the natural sound of something associated with it. These are used in graphic novels to represent sounds with graphic words. 
  • Lighting and colour may be used to show different moods. For example, bright colours and light are often used to show a sense of fun and happiness, while dull colours and dim lighting may be used to show gloom and sadness or to create tension or suspense.
  • Emanata refers to the teardrops, sweat drops, question marks, or motion lines that convey a characters’ emotions or movement.
  • Objects can be important and meaningful. They can be used symbolically to reveal information about a character, setting, or theme.