Life Chances

Subdecks (3)

Cards (19)

  • What is meant by the term life chances?
    The opportunities you get within your life
  • List the areas of our life that may be affected by our life chances: Education, health.
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: religious beliefs - some religious groups experience hate crimes which can be physical attacks on their place of worship.
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: disabilities - disabled people still experience restricted access for employment opportunities they also experience not being supported in public places such as not having accessible public toilets
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: age - some workers who are older could be forced into early retirement which can be defined as ageism as they could try to return to the workforce
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: sexual orientation - the majority of those within the LGBT community still experience homophobia even when seeking employment
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: ethnicity - ethnic minority groups often get discriminated and can experience racist attitudes
  • List and explain the factors that affect our life chances: gender - even though there are equal opportunities in law women do continue to experience sexism and the majority or high status positions in society are filled by men
  • List and explain the factors that affect life chances: education - labelling can affect a students ability to succeed to education as they may live up to the label with a self-fulfilling prophecy and that label can become their master status