Erosion is the wearing away of the land surface and removal of sediment by means of transport.
Agents of erosion include rivers, marine processes, and the wind (aeolian action).
U shaped valleys are formed by glaciers which widen, deepen and straighten pre-existing river valleys.
Roche moutonees are scratches on the rock to show the direction of glaciers.
Rivers are a major agent of erosion, with processes such as abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition, and solution.
Abrasion in rivers is when material is carried along by the river in contact with banks and river beds, decreasing the size of sediment.
Hydraulic action in rivers is the force of the river on the bank and river bed.
Attrition in rivers is when sediment collides with each other and the impact changes the shape of the particles from sharp and angular to smooth and round.
Solution in rivers is when acidic river water dissolves the minerals from the banks and river bed, especially carbonates like calcite.
Abrasion is the process where material that has been plucked by a glacier wears the material beneath the glacier.
No attrition is the process where the rocks within a glacier do not collide, staying the same shape.
Wind attrition is the process where grains of sand are picked up and carried by the wind, colliding with each other.
Glaciers and ice sheets cause plucking, abrasion, and no attrition.
Deflation is the process where the wind takes the finer particles away from the coarser grains, causing the surface to sink and become concentrated.
Plucking is the process where the pressure from a moving glacier causes cracks in a rocky object, causing the rock to break in the direction of least pressure because the ice freezes in the cracks.
Wind abrasion is the process where wind crashes sand grains into rock, wearing it down.
Glaciated landscapes are the result of glaciers and ice sheets.
Marine processes are also a major agent of erosion, with processes such as hydraulic action, attrition, abrasion, and solution.
Hydraulic action in marine processes is the force of the sea on the shore and seabed.
Attrition in marine processes is when sediment collides with each other and the impact changes the shape of the particles from sharp and angular to smooth and round.
Abrasion in marine processes is when material is carried along by the sea in contact with the shore and seabed, decreasing the size of sediment.
Solution in marine processes is when acidic sea water dissolves the minerals from the shore and seabed, especially carbonates like calcite.
The wind, also known as aeolian action, is a major agent of erosion, with processes such as abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition, and solution.