Grain shape is described in terms of roundness: Very Angular, angular, sub-angular, sub-rounded, rounded, well-rounded.
Shape is dictated by how long a grain has been transported for, the further they are carried the rounder/smaller they become.
Clay is too small to be affected greatly by erosion in transport.
Physical and chemical Properties of mineral grains that influence grain size and shape: Hardness, Cleavage, The reactivity with water.
Sorting is the degree to which the grains are sorted, a well sorted grain means the grains are all the same size, poorly sorted means there is a wider range of grain sizes.
River sediment is poorly sorted in the upper courses, moderate in the middle/lower courses.
Things that cause a drop in energy and then deposition are: Less rainfall, Inside a meander bend, Lower gradient, River flowing into another body of water, A river confluence, Water fall.
Quartz and muscovite mica dominate coarser particles because quartz is unreactive with high hardness and no cleavage, Mica is ductile and rolls up instead of breaking.
To deposit a substance dissolved in solution the solute needs to evaporate.
Single grains of clay can only be deposited In still water, clay can stick together in clumps due to a process called flocculation, This happens with increasing salt content.
Porosity = volume of voids in sediment/total volume of sediment x 100
Permeabiltiy is the ability of a rock/sediment to allow fluid to travel through it.