Umme Salama

Cards (11)

  • Umme Salamas real name was Hind.
  • Umme Salama was the daughter of Abu Umayyah of the Makhzum tribe.
  • Umme Salamah was married to Abdullah bin Abdul Asad and they both are among the early converts of Islam.
  • Umme Salamah is known by her name as she is the mother of her son Salamah.
  • Umme Salamah and her husband has migrated to Abyssinia, but came back when they heard the Makkans had accepted Islam but they later migrated to Madinah.
  • Abu Salamah was wounded in the Battle of Uhad and died after a long illness.
  • Since Umme Salamah did not have anyone to look after her, the prophet proposed to her. Umme Salamah was initially hesitant of the proposal as she said she was old, had children and easily became jealous, but she later accepted the offere and were married in 4 AH
  • Umme Salamah was by the side of the Prophet in most of the battles.
  • The Prophet consulted Umme Salamah in many matters, like when Muslims were reluctant to shave their heads in the treaty of Hudaibiyah as a sacrifice, after consulting Umme Salamah, she gave him the idea of shaving his own head and so all the Muslims followed.
  • Umme Salamah narrated 378 traditions.
  • Umme Salamah died at the age of 84 in 63 AH and was buried in Jannat ul Baqi.