
Cards (36)

  • one assumption is that behaviour happens in a social context
  • one assumption is that wider culture and society influences peoples behaviour
  • conformity is the process of changing your behaviour to fit into the norms of the group
  • people conform with others for 2 reasons: normative social influence and informational social influence
  • normative social influence is we accept group norms because we want to be accepted and not rejected in the group
  • information social influence is when we accept the group norms because we think they have the correct information
  • a strength of the conformity model is that there is supporting evidence as sometimes behaviour is influenced by what others do
  • a weakness of the conformity model is that NSI/ISI are interdependant so you cant be sure if its NSI or ISI but it is most likely both
  • compliance is when a person conforms with the group publically but not privately
  • identification is when a person conforms with the group publically and privately but only temporarily
  • internalisation is when a person conforms with the group publically and privately permanently
  • a strength of the compliance model is that there is research studies that found evidence of the 3 types of conformity, therefore differnet levels of conformity depending on person and circumstances
  • a weakness of the compliance model is that there are individual differences in conformity such as different factors in terms of personality that could be more influencing
  • the pathway to discrimination is identification, categorisation, stereotype, prejudice, discrimination
  • social identification is when a person conform publically and privately because they have identified with the group
  • social categorisation is the process of group people and ourselves based on specific characteristics
  • stereotypes is a superficial perception of a group of people based on certain characteristics ignoring all individual circumstances
  • prejudice is the feeling of dislike directed against an individual or group of people because of certain characteristics
  • discrimination is the unjust treatment of different characteristics
  • social catagorisation consists of in groups- people like you and out groups- people not like you
  • a strength of social categorisation is that is shows that it can be bias due to memory that support stereotypes and can lead to discrimination
  • a weakness of social categoristation is that is doesnt always lead to prejudice as the process of discrimination is not entirely understood
  • common goals are the outcomes of group activity that all members share and work towards
  • group cohesion is the extent to which group members are bonded and pull in the same direction
  • group think is the tendancy of cohesive groups to share agreement which overides the need to analyse decisions realistically
  • intra-group dynamics are the psychological processes that take place in any group
  • roles are functions that individuals perform
  • social facilitation is the tendency for individuals to perform better on a task when other people are present
  • a strength of intra-group dynamics is that there is supporting evidence where members believe their contribution to the group is important therefore it shows it has a real impact on functioning as a group
  • a weakness of intra-group dynamics is that is is complex and cannot be simplified so not yet fully understood
  • self concept is how we see oursleves. It is self image + self esteem
  • self efficacy is a persons confidence in their ability to achieve success
  • self image is a persons awareness of their mental and physical characteristics, postive and negative
  • self image, self efficacy and self esteem can all be influenced by other people
  • a strength of the infleunce of others is that there is supporting evidence as it shows that there is a link between self esteem and other peoples influence on each other
  • a weakness of the influence of others is internal validity as the vagueness limits understanding about ideas