
Cards (13)

  • what is the waxy cuticle
    a waterproof layer
  • where is the main site of photosynthesis
    palisade mesophyll
  • what does the spongy mesophyll and the air spaces in it allow?
    gas movement
  • what do the guard cells do?
    open and close the stomata
  • what does the stomata allow?
    gas exchange and transpirtaion
  • Chloroplast:
    A) inner membrane
    B) inter membrane space
    C) outer membrane
    D) Chloroplast Ribosomes
    E) stroma
    F) starch grain
    G) lipid globule
    H) Granum
    I) Intergranal lamellae
    J) Thylakoid
  • what does the garnum allow?
    allows a big surface area for ligh absorption
  • what does the granum contain?
    pigments, electron carriers and ATP synthase
  • what is a granum
    a thylakoid stack
  • what are starch grain and lipid globules used for?
  • what happens in the stroma
    the light dependent stage of photosynthesis
  • what happens in the thylakoid
    the light dependent stage of ATP synthesis so light absorption happens
  • what occurs in the stroma
    light dependent stage of photosynthesis