Feeds and feedings

Cards (20)

  • Non-Nutrients are non-nutrient components of feeds, including Carbonaceous Concentrate (low protein) and Roughages.
  • Concentrates are feeds with more than 60% TDN less than 20% fiber, including carbonaceous concentrate (low protein) and proteinaceous concentrates.
  • Roughages are feeds with less than 60% TDN more than 20% fiber, including carbonaceous roughages and proteinaceous roughages.
  • Additive Materials and Nutrients are non-nutrient components of feeds, including Carbonaceous Concentrate (low protein) and Roughages.
  • Feeds and Feeding Based on Phil
  • Antinutrients include tannins, an intrinsic substance that forms complexes in proteins and is usually found in legumes such as Gliricidia spp and Flemingia spp.
  • Cyanogens (Cassava) are intrinsic substances that are glucosides in cassava such as linamarin or phaseocolunatin under enzymatic or acid hydrolysis will liberate HCN.
  • Mani manian (Arachis pintoii) is a legume.
  • Aflatoxin is the most common extrinsic substance, produced by microbial or other contaminants in the feed, and it is a toxic factor produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus.
  • Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) is a legume.
  • Stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis) is a legume.
  • Centro (Centrosema pubescens) is a legume.
  • Kakawate (Gliricidia sepium) is a legume.
  • Nutrient additive materials include vitamins and minerals.
  • Mimosine, an intrinsic substance, was first isolated from Mimosa pudica (Makahiya) and is present in all Leucaena species.
  • Aflatoxin is a very active carcinogen and causes liver damage, reduces milk production and live weight gain in cattle.
  • Silage is a type of forage made from legumes and its byproducts.
  • There have been no reported clinical poisoning cases in sheep.
  • HCN (Hydrogen cyanide) has an adverse action on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Non-nutrient additive materials include antibiotics, hormones, medicants, probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes.