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  • Animal Breeding is the science that deals with the application of the various animal genetic principles purposely to improve or enhance the performance of livestock and poultry species.
  • Selection Index is a method that combines all traits included in the selection program into an index; usually gives best results; each trait is given weight in the selection.
  • The basis of selection for breeders can be an animal’s own performance record (individuality), records of ancestors (pedigree), performance of offspring (progeny test), or performance of relatives (collateral relatives).
  • Backfat is the average acceptable backfat thickness for a 90 kg gilt, which is 2 cm.
  • Independent Culling Level is a method where 2 or more traits at a time are measured; if one trait did not pass the standard it will not be selected.
  • Topcrossing is the mating of males and females which are considered top in their performance pedigrees.
  • Tandem selection is a method where only one trait at a time is being considered.
  • Selection is the process of choosing animals with desirable traits that are to be maintained and reproduced in a herd or flock.
  • Upgrading is a mating system where animals are mated to improve the genetics of the herd.
  • Systematic crossing is a mating system where the offspring of a crossbreeding are mated back to the parents.
  • Inbreeding is a form of non-random mating of closely related animals by ancestry.
  • Natural mating is a mating system where animals mate naturally.
  • Hybrid vigor is the average superiority of offspring over the parents.
  • Rotational Cross is a mating system where two or more breeds are used in regular sequences.
  • Breed complementation is the combination of the good characteristics of the breeds.
  • Artificial mating systems are mating systems where animals are mated by humans.
  • Mating is the art and science of the genetic improvement of animals.
  • Backcross is a crossbred mated back to one of the two parents.
  • Linebreeding is a form of inbreeding which is done to concentrate the characteristics of a superior ancestor.
  • Two Way Cross is a mating system where the parents are of different breeds.
  • Three Way Cross is a mating system where the parents are of different breeds and the offspring is of a third breed.
  • Sire Line is a mating system where the sire is of one breed and the dam is of another breed.
  • Genetics is the science that deals with heredity and variation.
  • Crossbreeding or outcrossing refers to mating between animals of different established breeds.
  • Dam Line is a mating system where the dam is of one breed and the sire is of another breed.
  • Four Way Cross or Double Cross is a mating system where the parents are of different breeds and the offspring is of a third breed.