To control emotion and enhance focus and performance.
What does the SMART princinple stand for?
Specific - Goals are clear and focused
Measurable - What success will look like
Achievable - Within capabilities
Recorded - Tracking/recording your targets
What is meant by intrinsic feedback?
Feedback that the performer receives from within themselves when executing a skill or performance. For example, a kicker in rugby may FEEL like they hit the sweet spot on the ball
What is meant by ‘positive thinking’ when an athlete prepares for a competitive performance?
Thinking and being confident about doing well/winning
Shutting out negative thoughts
Remembering ‘good’ preparation done
Using an example, describe one characteristic of a simple skill.
Very little decisions to make. For example, a sprint start doesn’t require many decisions
What does ‘aesthetic mean’ when describing skilful movement?
A skill that looks good with good technique. For example, a leap in gymnastics
Explain the REASONS FOR and BARRIERS AGAINST participation for certain socio-ecenomic groups.
Reason for - people in highersocioeconomic groups can afford and access a range of sports.
Barriers against - people in lowersocioeconomicgroupscannot afford the sport/travel/equipment
What are the four types of mental preparation (PIMS)?