According to Klein, the child’s relation to the breast is fundamental and serves as a prototype for later relations to whole objects, such as mother and father.
The very early tendency of infants to relate to partial objects gives their experiences an unrealistic or fantasy-like quality that affects all later interpersonal relations.
The male Oedipus complex is resolved when the boy establishes good relations with both parents and feels comfortable about his parents having sexual intercourse with each other.
Klein’s ideas tend to shift the focus of psychoanalytic theory from organically based stages of development to the role of early fantasy in the formation of interpersonal relationships.
Her father, a struggling physician, ended up as a dental assistant, while her mother, despite her fear of snakes, ran a shop selling plants and reptiles.
In mourning, Klein married Arthur Klein, a close friend of Emmanuel, and later regretted that this marriage at age 21 hindered her dream of becoming a physician.
The third stage of Mahler's separation-individuation stage is separation-individuation, which occurs from the 4th or 5th month of age until the 30th to 36th month.
During the separation-individuation stage, children become psychologically separated from their mothers, achieve a sense of individuation, and develop feelings of personal identity.