Mechanization: created new manufacturing activities such as producing steel, textiles, tools, etc.
Applied mass production along assembly line which scaled up manufacturing output
1767: spinning machine
1769: steam engine
1787: steamboat
1814: Railroad
1817: bicycle
1829: typewriter
1749: invention of the lightening rod by Benjamin Franklin
1769: invention of the spinning jenny by James Hargreaves
1794- invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney
1844- invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse
1846- invention of the sewing machine by Elias Howe
1853- invention of the elevator safety break by Elisha Otis
1855- Henry Bessemer invents a process for making steel out of iron
1866 invention of the dynamite by Alfred Noble
1868 invention of the typewriter by Christopher Sholes
1870 Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases
Nicolaus Copernicus - in 1543, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium is often cited as marking the beginning of the scientific revolution
William Gilbert - published books On the Magnet and Magnet Bodies, and the Great Magnet the Earth in 1600, which laid the foundations of a theory of magnetism and electricity
Tycho Brahe - known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observation
Johannes Kepler - published the first 2 of his 3 laws of planetary motion in 1609
Francis Bacon - published Novum Organum in 1620, which outlined a new system of logic based on the process of reduction, which he offered as an improvement over Aristotle's philosophical process of syllogism
Galileo Galilei - first Italian astronomer who demonstrated that a projectile follows parabolic path
Rene Descartes - published the Discourse on the Method in 1637, which helped to establish the scientific method
Antoine van Leewenhoek - Constructed powerful single lens microscope and made observation opening up the microworld of biology
Isaac Newton - Law of universal and Newton's three laws of Motion
Alexander Koyre - Introduced the term "Scientific Revolution" centering his analysis on Galelei, and the terms was popularized by butterfield in his origin of modern science
John Locke - Argued that human mind has blank tablet
Robert Boyle - One of the founders of modern chemistry
Hans Lippershey, Zacharias Janssen, Jacob Metius - inventors of refracting telescopes