Light intensity. The more intense the light, the greater the rate of transpiration. This is because during hours of darkness, the stomata are closed. This is because photosynthesis cannot happen in the dark. The additional photosynthesis, caused by greater light intensity, causes stomata to open which also increases loss of water by transpiration.Temperature. Transpiration increases with temperature. This is because the higher the temperature, the more energy the water molecules have, making it more likely that they will evaporate. Also, higher temperatures cause the stomata to open.Air movement. In high wind, transpiration occurs faster. This is because if air is moving, the air above the leaf will not become saturated with water molecules. Instead these water molecules will blow away.Relative humidity. The more humid the atmosphere, the slower transpiration will take place because the concentration of water molecules in the air is very high in humid conditions. This, in turn means, that the concentration gradient between the inside of the leaf and the atmosphere is low, thus retarding diffusion